Eufaula OK

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Truther Chloe and Jesse will be hosting a meetup on Saturday, April 16th, all day at Hummingbird Beach in Lake Eufaula State Park, Eufaula Oklahoma. Come early, stay late. There will be a lake to swim in, sausage and eggs, burgers, hot dogs, tacos, cold drinks etc. We will have a bon fire in the evening so burn your submission muzzle. If the weather is clear, we can zoom in on the moon and stars with Jesse’s Nikon P-1000. Also with any luck, you will find out who the Peanut Gallery is. Please RSVP by calling Jesse at 857-344-6209 or Chloe at (405) 614-2250. For those who are scared of the telephone, you can email me at [email protected] or Chloe at [email protected]


  • Susan BRYANT
    April 20, 2022, 6:39 am  Reply

    Did I seriously just learn of an event three hours from me literally the Tuesday night AFTER the weekend it took place??? Yeah, that sounds about right. If any event takes place near here again, I would live to know about it. Been researching and “ crossed over “ about a year ago but my main community has been online groups. They have been great but would love to find real live folks.

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