David Beverley Sr.

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David Beverley Sr.

Christian, husband, father, technologist, musician, author, speaker – I hope to use my eclectic skill-set and unorthodox thinking and methodology to help people to ‘think differently’ – to break out of a materialistic world-view that is following after SCIENTISM – and to see the world as a decidedly spiritual realm, with many gods – where everything was created by One Most High God.

In the early 1980s – worked as a professional musician (guitarist) and had a natural aptitude towards knowing how to repair a (then) newly acquired technology:  PC based digital audio editors and MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface) production methods. More and more – he was called upon to assist recording studios with these fledgling systems.

An early adopter of Internet based technologies – He put his resume on the internet in a time when there was no such thing as “job sites.” It was then on one fateful day that he received a phone call from an IT Manager at Goddard Space Flight Center, where he was invited to lunch and offered a job at NASA. David worked for a 12-years at NASA, where his innate knowledge and eclectic skills-set took him to the literal ends-of-the-earth in support of NASA field science initiatives.

He has served as technical lead on projects at the North Pole, the Amazon basin (Bolivia) to study a supposed meteor impact (The Iturralde Crater expedition – https://tinyurl.com/5axkaaa9 ) He spent weeks in Antarctica – where he engineered and installed a polar-orbiting spacecraft ground station (McMurdo Ground Station – https://tinyurl.com/yp7rt74d ) and has supported multiple spacecraft launch events at Vandenburg Airforce base and Cape Canaveral.  He has worked with and supported world-class, published scientists. (He even provided support to a Nobel Prize winner, John C Mather – whose science researching the Cosmic Radiation Background studies.)

David’s recent book: “The Coming Flood of AI – the Rise of the Nephilim Spirits” – presents the direct connection between Artificial Intelligence and the flood of Noah’s day. 

Read More at:

https://tinyurl.com/25ev3fxn   and https://chesteratlarge.org/about/

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